Cancel X-I-G Subscription


Dear X-I-G members,
We wanted to inform you about an important policy update regarding the cancellation of subscriptions for our services. Effective immediately, all X-I-G members are required to cancel their subscriptions at least 30 days prior to the due date of automatic monthly renewal. This policy has been put in place to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for our members, as well as to avoid any unnecessary charges or inconveniences.
By adhering to this requirement, you will have ample time to evaluate your subscription needs, manage your account effectively, and make any necessary adjustments. This policy applies to all X-I-G memberships and will help us provide you with uncompromised service and support.
We understand that circumstances may change, and subscription cancellations might be necessary. We kindly request that you take note of this policy amendment and plan your cancellations accordingly. Please be aware that failure to comply with this requirement may result in the automatic renewal and subsequent charges for the next billing cycle.
At XPANDECO INC., we greatly value our X-I-G members, and we strive to continuously improve our services to meet your evolving needs. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this policy update. If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team.
Thank you for your ongoing support as an X-I-G member. We look forward to serving you in the future and providing you with the exceptional experiences you deserve.
Best regards,

To cancel your subscription, please follow these steps:

We believe in providing our members with complete control over their subscriptions. Members have the flexibility to cancel their subscriptions at any time by simply submitting a subscription cancellation form. To ensure a smooth process, we ask our members to kindly submit the cancellation form at least 30 days before their subscription is set to renew. We also offer a unique opportunity for our members to receive a full refund of their investment. They can achieve this by selling their subscription equity to a new member referred by the active member selling, or to anyone registering into our subscription system for the first time. It is important to note that members can only sell their subscription for the equal value it is worth, ensuring fairness and transparency in our community.